Pastor’s Book Set Conference tomorrow!

Pastor’s Book Set Conference tomorrow!

Above is the group shot from the last PBS conference, in 2011

We’re excited to kick off the conference tomorrow afternoon! We’ll spend the morning getting the remaining materials there and set up, and then in the afternoon start welcoming the pastors and church leaders; registration and some opening ceremonies tomorrow afternoon, and then get into the teaching on Wednesday. You can follow along and see what’s in store on the conference program at (you can get your browser to translate it into English if your French is rusty). One of our intrepid teammates got the physical books up to Dakar from storage site out of the city today and they are ready to rock.

This conference is not just about the teaching and the books, it’s also about the fellowship – pastors from different denominations being able to see each other and catch up and trade notes on what is happening in different areas of the country and just be encouraged! It certainly was an encouraging time for us in 2011 and – I know this time will be different, it won’t be encouraging in exactly the same way, but I’m sure it will be encouraging, and I just pray that for each of the participants they would what God wants to give them during the time.

Pray for us with logistics, the facility, the food, and all of the things that happen during a (for us) big conference like this. This will be a busy time, but it will also be a special time of working together with our SIM teammates on this wonderful project – many of us work on projects with others outside of our mission, some of us work alone, and we see each each other, but rarely all work together on one project, so this is a special thing in the life of our team to all work on the same thing at the same time and just see each other a bit more than normal and enjoy each other’s company.

All the books are in now!

Of course pray that the PBS app would be well-understood and function as expected – with 300 people using it all of a sudden when it’s been about 5 to 10 people up till now. I spent today reducing the size of the files and loading in the rest of the books and audiobooks. I’ll do a session during the conference teaching the pastors how to use it. Pray that would go well too and that it would make sense.

Pray for Katie as she has a bad cold and is staying home from teaching school tomorrow – not fun and especially this week with all the extra activity.

Church building

Church building

Could this be our church’s new home? 

When our daughters were at boarding school in Dakar, we would come to the capital city every six weeks or so to see them. When we came to Dakar we would always attend a certain small church here because Corey had known several of the Senegalese church leaders for many years and a few of our SIM teammates were also a part of that church. It was also one of the few churches in Dakar that was intentional about using the Wolof language throughout the service. So when we moved here just over a year ago, we visited all four of the churches we were told used Wolof in their services and ended up quickly settling in at this church. It has been wonderful to get to deepen old friendships there and make new ones, and Corey was immediately invited to preach in Wolof every other month – which he has enjoyed!  But last year, after renting the same space for fourteen years, the landlord told the church that we had to move out. After some pushing back the deadline, the end finally came. We have a temporary meeting space for the next six months but the church’s desire is to purchase a property so we can establish a permanent church presence in the neighborhood.

Property in Dakar is very expensive due to limited land availability, with the city bordered by the ocean on three sides. Church leaders were discouraged by high prices, but recently found a building for sale in the same neighborhood for $300,000, which is a great deal for its size and location. The building has a large room suitable for a sanctuary and several smaller rooms for Sunday School and offices. If we can purchase it, we could begin using it right away! In addition to being an amazing find, it turns out that the landlord and our pastor are from the same language group and the landlord is not only open to selling his property to Christians, he is willing to hold on to it for a few months for us while we try to raise the funds! On a regular Sunday there are fewer than 40 people at church and the offering plate usually yields less than $200 US. Humanly speaking, we can’t afford to buy a building. But God…

Dakar currently has a population of three and a half million people and the city is growing. Our best estimate is that there are only about 15 Protestant churches in Dakar (some with questionable theological positions). This makes sense given that 97% of the population identify as Muslim. What doesn’t make sense is that of those 15 Protestant churches, only a handful use the Wolof language in their services. Most of the churches use only French and are mostly made up of non-Senegalese people. This use of solely French is worrisome not only because over 70% of the population speaks Wolof (and only a third speak French) but also because it perpetuates the widespread belief here that Christianity is a foreign (white) religion. (Never mind that this perception is false – there have been Christians in Africa since the 1st century AD and today more Christians live in Africa than on any other continent – there just aren’t many here in Senegal!)

We love that our church understands the need to use the Wolof language to reach this community. We deeply respect the church leaders and appreciate their thoughtful, sound biblical teaching. The church body is small but committed to Bible study, prayer, joyful worship, obedience even in the face of persecution, and regular fasting. The church members want to share the Gospel with others and have planted a church in another region of Senegal that is growing rapidly. This little congregation is truly a bright light! Would you pray with us that God will provide the money for the church to purchase this building? We serve the same God who provided for the believers in Jerusalem – partially through the believers in Corinth – and who promised through Paul: “God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” (2 Corinthians 9:8)

If you want to help, you can send a check to this address with a note that it’s for the Evangelical Assembly in Dakar, Senegal:

Christian Life Center
6363 183rd  Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477

You will receive a tax-deductible receipt. For more information about the church and additional pictures of the house, visit the capital campaign page on the church’s website. We are working on a way to make donations online – we’ll keep you posted! Thanks in advance !



We are really into the swing of things here in Dakar now! Our hard summer of saying goodbye to so many friends and family in the USA, moving out of our place in the US, moving our stuff from Kaffrine to Dakar and settling in here – all that is now a distant memory, praise the Lord! I’ve gone from going to bed achy and tired to bounding out of bed ready to go in the mornings. 

School started with a rush of activity in August and hasn’t slacked off since. The boys are loving Dakar Academy and doing well. Katie is absolutely loving teaching French to students in grades 1 through 12. She is always thinking of new lesson plan ideas and figuring out how to explain the grammatical concepts. She has had some sweet feedback from students and parents which is so encouraging! She was also invited to teach a Wolof class each week to the fourth grade, which is Jake and Will’s class. It is so gratifying to hear how these French and Wolof lessons enable her students to communicate with those in the surrounding community!

Homework help with dad – they’re not always this excited to do multiplication

I (Corey) have been working on different projects since our return:

  • Wolof Calendar print layout and app redesign for 2024
  • Layouts for Wolof Bible pages for testing
  • App updates for Google Play Store requirements
  • Digital strategies help for our SIM teammates worldwide
  • Infrastructure setup for our SIM digital strategies resources
  • Work on the Pastor’s Book Set (PBS) e-reader app
  • As well as the normal errands: getting our immigration paperwork done, going to the printer for the Scripture calendar, etc.

Screenshots of two recent projects:

upcoming Pastor’s Book Set app

New calendar app redesign

We didn’t think that after our two-year absence, leaving our daughters in the US, moving to a new city and starting different jobs we would be as content as we are with where we are, but God has shepherded us into a peaceful time of good work and balance and contentment. Thank you, Lord.

Keep praying for these projects and for God’s hand at work in Senegal and our family.

We recently made a new ministry video – click the image above to watch

Would you pray for our friend?

Would you pray for our friend?

I was able to talk with a close friend in Senegal earlier this week. It had been quite a while since we had spoken to each other “live” since leaving WhatsApp voice messages is the norm between friends in Senegal (rather than talking live which requires both parties to have good internet connection at the same time).

After catching up on family news and the weather (it was 113 ℉ there one day this week!) this friend told me about two dreams they had two months ago. In one dream, Jesus was reaching out; in the other, His voice spoke. But after sharing about these dreams with close family members, the family reacted with anger and expressed a desire that our friend move out immediately. My friend has been unsure of what to do and how to respond, struggling and praying since then. They said they had been praying that I would call and give advice!

I said that the one thing I can say for sure is that God wants this friend to believe in Jesus, to follow Him, and to become part of His family. I can’t say how their earthly family will react, but the Bible tells us to “Seek the Kingdom of God first…and He will give you everything you need.” I suggested my friend go talk with a local believer in town that we both know.

After I hung up the phone, I prayed and wept with joy that Jesus is so clearly calling this friend to come to Himself. As I prayed I could picture this friend singing in church and I cried and prayed with fervent hope that this friend will get to experience the sweet fellowship of belonging to His family, will get to know and walk with our beloved Jesus, and will have the peace that comes with assurance of salvation. Will you pray that this vision will become reality?

Country mice heading to the city

Country mice heading to the city

After 18 years living here in the rural town of Kaffrine and ministering in the surrounding villages, we are preparing to make a big change. With our SIM leadership team’s approval, we are planning to move to the capital city of Dakar when we return from our upcoming home assignment.


Our boys’ educational/social needs and related support is one of the major factors in this decision, but we also both feel strongly led by the Lord that it is time for us to make this move from a ministry perspective as well. We are excited about what God is doing in Kaffrine right now through the local believers who are well established here now and we know that He will continue to build His church here after we leave just as He began His work here long before we came. It is time for us to move on.

What will you do in Dakar?

We know some parts of the answer to this question, and some parts we don’t know yet. Corey will be able to continue with his development and support of the different Wolof Bible apps as well as the online Wolof outreach that is just beginning – in other countries similar ministries have taken off and so many people have responded that the teams couldn’t keep up. Obviously, a response like that is what we are hoping for! Corey is also committed to typesetting the complete Wolof Bible and helping get it printed and distributed once the full Bible translation is done.

Katie did her student teaching at Dakar Academy, the Christian school our girls have attended, back in 1997 before we were married and she has had a life-long love of teaching so she is hoping to be able to teach at the school.

We will also seek to get involved in a local Senegalese church and see how we can partner with other believers to share the Good News with Wolof people in Dakar. Although there are many Christian ministries and churches in Dakar, many use primarily French rather than Wolof. We hope to not only continue ministering in Wolof but encouraging others to do the same. 

What will be different?

Dakar is a crowded city of 3 million people situated on a peninsula surrounded by the Atlantic ocean on three sides. Because of the ocean, Dakar is cooler than the rest of Senegal for much of the year. Daily life will be very different for us there in many ways. Instead of driving on dirt roads out to farming villages, we will be fighting traffic jams and dealing with frequent police stops. We will have a much larger Christian community which will include other English speakers! We will be able to buy cheese, ground beef, broccoli, cinnamon and many other things we couldn’t get in Kaffrine. There are restaurants, big grocery stores, movie theatres, and beaches. Our kids will be able to attend a great Christian school in English. And we will have teammates close by who we already know and love!

What will be the same?

We will still be part of the SIM Senegal team and we will still be working toward the same mission statement: Our SIM Senegal team’s vision is to glorify God in Senegal by:

  • crossing barriers to proclaim Christ, living out the Gospel among those who live and die without Him,
  • expressing Christ’s love and compassion through holistic ministry,
  • discipling people into biblically healthy churches through diverse ministries,
  • and working together with churches to fulfill God’s mission across cultures locally and globally.

Our SIM team’s strategic focus is the Wolof-speaking community. The Wolof culture and language dominates in Dakar, even though there are also people from all around Africa and the world. We will continue to prayerfully ask the Lord how He wants to use us to help meet our neighbors’ physical and spiritual needs.

How are you feeling about this move?

To be honest, right now Corey and I are feeling pretty elated about being released from all the things that are hard for us about living here in Kaffrine. We both have peace that the Lord is leading us on to something new. We are still in the process of sifting through our emotions about these past 18 years. 

Our boys are super excited, both about going to the US on furlough and about going to Dakar Academy after that.

Our girls have mixed emotions – after all, Kaffrine is where they have grown up.

There are certainly people and things about life in Kaffrine that each member of our family will miss. But overall, we can look back with thanksgiving and forward with hope. We know that it is only by God’s sustaining grace that we have been able to minister here for all these years. And we know that He will continue to sustain us as He leads us into the next chapter. We do appreciate your prayers for us during all this change!

Country mouse heading to the city



Our girls with Santa during their kindergarten program here in Kaffrine years ago

Contextualization is an important topic both in terms of how we do evangelism and also in terms of how we live as followers of Christ. Living and working among the Wolof people of Senegal for twenty years has helped me understand this better than I did before I stepped outside of my own culture. In fact, I would suggest that most of us don’t realize how much we are influenced by our own culture until we become familiar with another culture. Let’s briefly look at what contextualization is, why it is important for evangelism, and how intentionally thinking about contextualization can help us better shape our own life choices as believers.

A generation ago, the idea of contextualization was not yet widely taught to missionaries before they went to the mission field. We see the results of this lack of contextualization today in Senegal as most Wolof people believe that Christianity is a white person’s religion and that to become a Christian means to adopt Western culture. Attending church once years ago here in Senegal and hearing the African congregation sing an old French hymn called “White, whiter than snow… Jesus washed my sins away” I couldn’t help but wonder how many people in the room had ever seen snow! Did this song best express their hearts and their own experience with God? Darrell Whiteman says that “Contextualization attempts to communicate the Gospel in word and deed and to establish the church in ways that make sense to people within their local cultural context, presenting Christianity in such a way that it meets people’s deepest needs and penetrates their worldview, thus allowing them to follow Christ and remain within their own culture.” More simply, Ed Stetzer says, “Contextualization involves an attempt to present the Gospel in a culturally relevant way.”

I used to say, “I’m from Connecticut; I don’t have an accent.” And I also remember saying, “I don’t really like ethnic foods.” I am embarrassed now by both of these statements! To a Londoner, I have an incredibly strong American accent, most Senegalese people think macaroni and cheese is disgusting, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a bizarre food to the rest of the world! I did not realize how American I really am until I lived in Senegal and experienced a whole country with millions of people who share a very different way of living and thinking. It took living here for me to realize that it is my own individual culture that prioritizes punctuality over relationships and that this is not a universal value – and not necessarily a biblical one at that! And I could list countless more examples. But I am glad that I have had this awakening because now I can more clearly identify which parts of my life experience and ways of thinking and acting are White American and which are specifically Christian. This is important because I want to share Christ and invite people to know and follow him, not to become American like me. I need to hold tightly to biblical truths and be willing to let go of everything else. So I am willing to wear long skirts every day, eat different foods, learn to speak another language, sit on mats on the ground, be teased (which is the Wolof way of connecting), and prioritize relationships over punctuality in order to be able to gain a hearing with my Wolof neighbors. This is what Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians 9:20 when he writes, “When I was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with those who follow the Jewish law, I too lived under that law. Even though I am not subject to the law, I did this so I could bring to Christ those who are under the law.” If I am going to offend someone, I want it to be the Gospel of Christ that is offensive, not my outfit or what I am eating. I might even discover that some Senegalese customs are more aligned with biblical values than the American way of doing things!

Some years ago, for the first time in our region a Christian couple had a baby. In Wolof culture there are important traditions that take place on the eight day after a baby’s birth. With the small group of Wolof believers in our region, we had a fascinating series of conversations about how this baby’s birth should be celebrated. Should the traditional party be held with all friends and relatives invited? Should the baby’s head be shaved? Should the baby’s name be whispered in her ear? Some of the questions were easy to answer because the Wolof believers knew the meaning of the custom and that it contradicted biblical teaching. Others were gray areas that we discussed at length. Some things the group decided could be tweaked in order to be redeemed. And some customs were beautiful and could be embraced and continued by local believers as they lived out their Christian faith in fully Wolof ways.

If you are not working cross-culturally, does contextualization matter in your life? I believe it does! You can do the same exercise the Wolof believers did for each decision, tradition, or habit in your own life. We did this as a couple regarding how we wanted to celebrate Christmas as a family the year our first child was born. We talked through all our traditions surrounding the holidays and evaluated them in light of biblical teaching. We thought deeply, prayed and discussed each tradition, including whether we should teach our kids to believe in Santa Claus, decorate a tree, read the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve, exchange presents, and eat lots of pie. Some traditions we intentionally left behind, some we tweaked to align them with biblical teaching (for example, we told our kids from the very beginning, that Santa is a game Americans play at Christmas time and that it is fine to play along but that it isn’t true), and others (reading the Bible story and eating pie, of course!) we embraced as Americans and as Christians. Being aware of the influence of your own culture and knowing how to contextualize while being faithful to the Gospel allows us to intentionally pick and chose which parts of our culture we go along with, which we reject, and which we ask God to help us change in redemptive ways. It also frees us to let go of anything which may be a barrier to a neighbor who doesn’t yet know Jesus. For example, we come to understand that the style of music we sing at church, or the way we dress, is a cultural (perhaps generational) issue, not a Gospel issue, and so we can hold our own preferences loosely and we become willing to change the nonessential things in order to open the door to sharing the essentials of the Gospel with our neighbor. May the Holy Spirit help each of us, whether we are in Senegal or in the US, to intentionally contextualize well with His guidance, not compromising the truths of His Word, but willingly laying down everything else, so that nothing trivial keeps our unbelieving neighbors from hearing the Good News.