The final proofread of Luke and Acts is underway! At 9 am this morning, our Wolof friend and co-worker parked his horse and buckboard in front of our house and now he and Corey are sitting at the table in our living room hard at work. Our Mslm friend is reading the Wolofal (Wolof language written in Arabic script) text out loud in the sing-song chanting style that is traditional for religious reading here, while Corey follows along in the original Wolof text (Wolof language written in Roman script a, b, c’s) to make sure every word is the same. The transcription and typesetting are done. This final proofread should take about 5 full work days. Then Luke and Acts will be ready for the printer! It will be published as a single volume. Please pray that God will shepherd this process, protecting every dot and letter of His Word and allowing these Scriptures to be printed perfectly.
This morning as I was praying for God to use this format of His Word, I thought of the millions of Wolof people who have never yet had the opportunity to read any part of the Bible. I remembered Romans 1:16 where it says that “this Good News about Christ is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes” and I suddenly pictured someone standing on a boat throwing a lifesaving ring to a person thrashing and drowning in the water. Pray with us that many will grab hold of the lifesaving news about what Jesus has done. There is power – power sufficient to bring a corpse to life – in the message of this book!
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